Trip Planner FAQ

We get a lot of questions about the trip planner, so I thought it would be a good idea to answer the most frequent questions here. But first, a brief overview:

Planning trips is a really complicated thing, especially with as many routes, stops and trips as the TTC has on any given day. It's actually a pretty neat subset of graph theory, which is totally worth reading about if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Whenever we plan a trip, we try to find you the fastest possible route to your destination at the time you specify. We take into account the average speed of walking, the wait time between transfers, and the scheduled departure and arrival times of every transit vehicle that day.

It works pretty well most of the time... but you should be aware that there are still some issues we're overcoming:

On to the questions!

Where's stop X?

We believe we've finally got every stop in the system, so if you find we're missing one please let us know!

Why did it send me to the wrong place?

One thing we've noticed is that Toronto has a lot of duplicate street names... I suspect this is a result of the big megacity merge. If you're being sent to the wrong place try using an intersection instead of a street address.

What if the directions are just plain crazy?

Let us know! We're always on the lookout for bugs, but it's really hard to find them alone. You can use the feedback box to tell us when things go haywire and we'll do our best to fix it for good :-)

We've managed to thin this list out quite dramatically since the first beta of our planner, but if you have a question that isn't covered here we'd really love to hear it!

Cheers, Kieran and Kevin